Meet Beta Tracking, the foremost better tracking service brand in Nigeria. Beta Tracking to the world

BETA TRACKING… The new face of Better Tracking… TO THE WORLD


Beta Tracking is from the stable of Beta Bridges Ltd, a 100% wholly indigenous Nigerian company with offerings beyond its flagship tracking services to:

  • Other Vehicle support technology e.g Speed limiter devices,
  • Timer and security alarm systems
  • Brand marketing and communications consulting services

The key benefits of our offerings from Beta Bridges remains:

  • Security solutions
  • Safety solutions
  • Information planning and management
  • Performance management
  • Brand building
  • Market share and repositioning


  • It had started in July 2013 at a corner of an Agege shop, asking the individuals we could find to try our tracking installations- to secure their vehicles, promising them service support and empathetic about it
  • By the end of 2013 we had been noticed by a few corporates who wanted to plug service delivery failures totally unrelated to security- they wanted prompt response, structure, value reports, aiding savings, performance of their assets, and all
  • Beta Bridges has been a company of inciteful learnings from the get-go by listening carefully to customers. That is how at the beginning or within a year, Beta Bridges gave in-roads to:
  •  A company with Service at the heart, to delight customers & clients always, was born already. Fast-track to 10years. Here we are now!!!


  • BETA TRACKING IS BORN ALREADY- as a brand offering from Beta Bridges (as other offering will subsequently come in the future)
  • Over the years of perfecting the science and art of selling our solutions in tracking, speed limiter and other vehicle support technologies for vehicles (bikes, trucks, cars and boats), we started getting reckoning for a distinctive recognition as a “better’ provider
  • Instinctively, our Better way of service and our better way of life at Beta Bridges were no incidentals. Thay had become to form a pattern which our industry only recognized with Beta Bridges. When we dropped the ball a few times (normal atimes of humans that we are), we are not spared like clients spares our competitors
  • We seem to now have a different standard. An unusual standard. An inconvenient standard. But all the same, we wanted to define our own high standards anyways, so adjusted to liking the better ways
  • Over the past 5years alone, many of our corporate clients have verbally referred to us a Beta company (instead of Beta Bridges); referred to us as Better people, many times giggle in our face that “we are Beta Bridges that install better trackers and support it with better service”. Many times clients have erroneously written our cheques as Better Bridges
  • We are here because we followed the trail to claim who we really are. The Better tracking service space, both in reality and aspirations of all it represents is ours. Beta Tracking is officially born after 10years


The look &Feel has close relationships-

    • the BETA; the second alphabet symbol of the Greek alphabet is consistent in both Beta Bridges & Beta Tracking
    • The double line in the Beta Bridges is consistent as well in Beta Tracking
    • The red and black dominant colours are consistent in both Beta Bridges and Beta Tracking
    • The curvy natures of the Beta Tracking indicates our dynamic nature and disposition to our client/customer needs
    • There is vibrancy, a dig at excellence and results as found in our corporate values in the brand identity, being our logo

The differentials of both brand identities, Beta Bridges and Beta Tracking

    • Beta Tracking usurps the ing behind the name to Track- being a continuous nature of our offering, including the better component of it, that will never stop
    • The pay-off, always better, being very simple to relate with, has been carefully conceptualized and adapted to relate across any and every boundaries of stakeholders
    • At the center of the A of the tracking is the shooting target, making our clients the bull’s eye of all our moves
    • And lastly our new Beta Tracking identity claims the iconic pointer that is synonymous with everything GPS bith locally and internationally


At this moment into the foreseeable future

    • Beta Bridges is the company, the legal entity that can sue and be sued, while Beta Tracking is a brand offering. Beta Tracking is what we sell, and hosts all our enviable unique selling point USP
    • If to be placed on any document, then Beta Tracking must be used in relation to Beta Bridges either in written formats or/and in the logo formats
    • Beta Tracking may be used to sell our company offerings that covers all the vehicle support and other related technologies primarily Tracking services, Speed limiter devices, Timer and alarm devices among other technologies solutions
    • Beta Tracking may be verbally communicated at any forum, events, meetings and interfaces with any of our stakeholders to interchangeably mean the company until when it is mean to write officially

Our promise as we emerge into the future for the service to customers/clients

  • Is offering that owns the better space- for reputation
  • Targets to deploy the best tracking & related solutions
  • Seeks to apply the best resources to service, being the human personnel available from Board to Management, to Staffing and partnerships
  • Total quality management from concept to product to processes- every touch points within our org offers better experience

Please all, Beta People- accept the continuation of better service and better experience through Beta Tracking going forward